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We are Replica Military. Our store is more than just another average online retailer.
Customers Feedback
That's great, thank you very much. I just received the item today and it was great quality product thank you for your fast shipping and quality communication thank you very much 10/10
- Colton McGinnis
USAThank you for your quick response. The cool pants have arrived!
- Ishibashi Keitaro
JapanHello, Mr. Jatin, The coat arrived yesterday. I am very pleased with it. All the measurements are accurate and the work is careful. Thank you and best regards,
- Charles Nussbaum
USAHello, I received my 1914 "piou piou" uniform. The measurements are impeccable and the quality is excellent: I will recommend you to my reenactor friends. The "leather pack" is superb too and the belt is the right length. The only problem, for which I am entirely responsible, is that, absent-minded, I ordered a brown pack rather than a black one... But hey, with a good dye and black shoe polish, it will be fine! 😉 That said, thank you again and congratulations for the quality of Replica Military. Kind regards, André De Thier, Belgique